QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50),51304,Qiagen,凯杰

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订货号 9YW9785
品牌型号 Qiagen 51304
货期 45个工作日
最小订货量 1件
  • 400-920-3909
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QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50),51304,Qiagen,凯杰

产品介绍 Product Description

QIAamp DNA Mini Kit 使用硅胶膜技术从组织、拭子、细胞培养上清液、血液、体液或尿液中纯化长达50kb的DNA。

产品特点 Features

QIAamp DNA Kits provide silica-membrane-based nucleic acid purification from tissues, swabs, CSF, blood, body fluids or washed cells from urine. In addition, genomic and mitochondrial DNA can be purified from small amounts of fresh or frozen blood, tissue and dried blood spots. Mechanical homogenization is not required as the tissues are lysed enzymatically. DNA purification from 1–12 samples can be automated on the QIAcube Connect using the dedicated QIAamp DNA Mini QIAcube Kit. Purification of DNA using the QIAamp DNA Micro Kit and QIAamp DNA Mini Kit is also automatable on the QIAcube Connect.

DNA purified using the QIAamp DNA Micro Kit is free of proteins, nucleases and other impurities, and is suitable for use in sensitive downstream applications, such as real-time PCR (see figure " Efficient purification of DNA from small sample sizes") and laser microdissection (LMD) PCR (see figure " Laser microdissection PCR"). Purified DNA may also be used in short-tandem repeat (STR) genotyping, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping or pharmacogenomic research.

The QIAamp DNA Mini Kit yields DNA sized up to 50 kb (see figure " Purification of up to 50 kb genomic DNA"). DNA of this length denatures completely and has the highest amplification efficiency. Yields of nucleic acids or DNA depend on the starting material (see table “Typical yields with the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit”). DNA purified using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit can be used in a wide range of downstream applications, including PCR and quantitative real-time PCR, Southern blotting, SNP and STR genotyping and pharmacogenomic research.

SampleAmountTotal nucleic
acid yields (µg)*
DNA yields
Blood200 µl4–124–12
Buffy coat200 µl25–5025–50
Liver25 mg60–11510–30
Brain25 mg35–6015–30
Lung25 mg25–455–10
Heart25 mg15–405–10
Kidney25 mg40–8515–30
Spleen10 mg25–455–30

The QIAamp DNA Mini QIAcube Kit yields DNA sized up to 50 kb: DNA of this length denatures completely and has the highest amplification efficiency. The purified DNA may be used in a number of applications, including:


Viral research

Bacterial research

Fungal research

Cancer research

Human genetic testing research

Paternity testing

Forensic analysis

The QIAamp DNA Mini QIAcube Kit simplifies DNA isolation from tissue samples with fast spin-column procedures. The kit includes rotor adapters that are preloaded with QIAamp spin columns and elution tubes, delivering greater convenience and time savings.

产品细节 Details

QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50),51304,Qiagen,凯杰

Efficient purification of DNA from small sample sizes.

DNA was purified from blood samples (1–64 µl) using the QIAamp DNA Micro Kit following the blood protocol. DNA was eluted in 20 µl Buffer AE and 2 µl of each eluate was amplified by real-time PCR. Efficient amplification was shown in all cases.

QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50),51304,Qiagen,凯杰

Laser microdissection PCR.

DNA was purified from rodent kidney laser microdissection (LMD) samples using the QIAamp DNA Micro Kit or using a direct lysis PCR protocol, as indicated. GAPDH PCR was performed on 1 and 10 µl of each eluate. M: Marker; +: positive control; –: negative control.

QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50),51304,Qiagen,凯杰

Purification of up to 50 kb genomic DNA.

Size distribution of DNA prepared with QIAamp Kits from the indicated sources (3 µg per lane).

QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50),51304,Qiagen,凯杰

Significant time savings with dedicated QIAamp QIAcube Kits

Average percentage of hands-on-time required for sample prep using manual processing, using the QIAcube, and using the QIAcube with dedicated kits. Values may vary slightly depending on the QIAcube application and the kit used.

QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50),51304,Qiagen,凯杰

QIAamp DNA Micro procedure.

Optimized buffers lyse samples, stabilize nucleic acids, and enhance selective DNA adsorption to the QIAamp membrane. Alcohol is added and lysates loaded onto the QIAamp MinElute spin column. Wash buffers are used to remove impurities and pure, ready-to-use DNA is then eluted in water or low-salt buffer.

产品应用 Applications

The QIAamp DNA Micro Kit procedure is suitable for a wide range of sample materials, including small volumes of blood, blood cards, urine, small tissue samples, including laser microdissections.

The QIAamp DNA Mini Kit is ideal for purification of DNA from most commonly used human tissue samples, including muscle, liver, heart, brain, bone marrow and other tissues, swabs (buccal, eye, nasal, pharyngeal and others), CSF, blood, body fluids and washed cells from urine. DNA can be purified from up to 25 mg tissue or from up to 200 µl fluid in 20 minutes, and eluted in 50–200 µl.

The QIAamp DNA Mini QIAcube Kit is for automated isolation of genomic, mitochondrial, parasite or viral DNA on the QIAcube Connect. Sample sources include tissues, buccal swabs, CSF and washed cells from urine.

Comparison of QIAamp DNA Kits

FeaturesQIAamp DNA Micro KitQIAamp DNA Mini Kit
ApplicationsReal-time PCR, STR analysis, LMD-PCRPCR, Southern blotting
Elution volume20–100 µl50–200 µl
FormatSpin columnSpin column
Main sample typeWhole bloodWhole blood, tissue, cells
ProcessingManual (centrifugation or vacuum)Manual (centrifugation or vacuum)
Purification of total RNA, miRNA,
poly A+ mRNA, DNA or protein
Genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNAGenomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA,
bacterial DNA, parasite DNA, viral DNA
Sample amount1–100 µl200 µl/25 mg/5 x 106
TechnologySilica technologySilica technology
Time per run or per prep30 minutes20 minutes
Yield<3 µg4–30 µg





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