PepTivator® RAS G12C, premium grade,130-133-877,美天旎

销售价: ¥ 21558.14 / 件
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订货号 8DJ5012
品牌型号 美天旎 130-133-877
货期 询货期
最小订货量 1件
  • 400-920-3909
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产品介绍 Product Description

PepTivator® RAS G12C is a pool of lyophilized peptides, consisting of 15-mer, 10-mer and 9-mer sequences containing the G12C mutation. G12C is a common driver mutation that occurs with high frequency across various human cancer types.

PepTivator RAS G12C covers the mutated protein domain [MTEYKLVVVGACGVGKSALTIQLIQN] and contains every 15-mer, 10-mer, and 9-mer peptide bearing the mutated amino acid. This diversity allows loading of HLA without prior knowledge of alleles. The proteins H-Ras, N-Ras, and K-Ras share 90% identity in their G domain (residues 1–166), and this peptide pool covers the respective mutation for all three isoforms.

The PepTivator RAS G12C has been developed for the efficient in vitro stimulation of RAS G12C–specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Peptides of 15-, 10-, and 9 amino acids in length, represent an optimal solution for stimulating both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in various applications, as well as providing the best coverage of potential HLA alleles.

Quantitative, phenotypical, or functional analysis of RAS G12C-specific T cell immunity can provide important information on the natural course of immune responses.

Background information

RAS or KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma virus; UniProtKB Acc. no P01116), belongs to a family of proteins that are ubiquitously expressed in all animal cell types and is composed of 189 amino acids (aa). It is involved in cell growth, differentiation, and survival and the mutations in RAS genes, here G12C, can lead to different cancer formation acting as oncogenes. PepTivator RAS G12C covers the above mentioned mutation in all three isoforms of Ras: K-Ras, N-Ras, and H-Ras. The RAS mutations are found within approximately 20–30% of all human cancers. Cancers with very high RAS mutational burden include pancreatic cancer (90%), colorectal cancer (55%), and non-small cell lung cancer (30%).





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